Web Design
A website is an extension of you, and having your message accurately translate to your potential online audience, is everything.
Whether you are providing a service, selling a product, or just displaying works of art for the world to see, you have one bite the apple.
Let us take your vision and maximize the opportunities you get, from a custom built website, created by our small team of Designers and Marketing professionals.

SEO Marketing
Having a great looking website is the first step, but what good does that do for you, when complete strangers don’t know it exists?
Trying to get found online can be very frustrating if you don’t know what you’re doing. With so many companies promising you 1st place placement on Google, where does one begin?
The first step is understanding who your target audience is, then it’s setting realistic expectations. We can work with most budgets and we’ll explain in detail what you are paying for and more importantly, what to expect.

Social Media
Sharing, Liking, Swiping, are all parts of today’s Social Media explosion, but not all Social Media accounts are made equal. Knowing which ones to spend your hard earned dollars on, is absolutely key!
Depending on what type of services or products you’re looking to promote, evaluating who your target demographics are, will give us a better understanding of which Social Media marketing route(s) will work best for you.
Give us a moment to see, if Social Media Marketing is a viable option for you. Consultations are always free, and we are happy to help where we can.

Mobile Apps
A large percentage of people that use smartphones, use them as a means of entertainment, information, shopping, romance and much more. Increasingly, apps are widely being downloaded every year and have shown to be an effective way, to allow for your potential clients to engage with your services and products offered.
Some businesses can benefit greatly from an App, not only from just being made readily accessible to your target audience, but it also helps in building consumer confidence, which in turn, helps to set you aside from your competition.

Graphic Design
Lets face it, most anyone born after the 90’s, knows how to manipulate images on Photoshop. Everyone has that one sibling or friend, that knows how to do it. The typical problem we see from a lot of the finished graphics we come across, they’re not executed properly, they look poorly constructed and consequently could ruin your creditability.
What this sometimes means is, there is limited understanding on what the image editing softwares can do. Also, if you are looking to promote a product or service, you want to make sure your images are created from a Marketing standpoint. Nine times out of 10, the person creating your graphic has no Marketing background and cannot offer you a fully functional design, made to work for you.

Logo & Branding
We all know the Apple and Mc Donald’s of the world. Starbucks stripped their logos down, to just the Mermaid/Siren. We can all dream to one day be known as just one symbol if we could. Unfortunately, a lot of us have to make do with what we are afforded, but that doesn’t mean you have to compromise standards.
Our Marketing background, coupled with expert designers, work together on creating an identity to make a lasting impression. Your business model, what you stand for and represent, should all be carried through from the first smile, to the greeting, to the way that the telephone or email is answered. Live it, be it!